Is it time for a fun dart game? If so, you should try playing around-the-world darts, which are also known as around-the-clock darts.
How to Play Around the World Darts? During each turn, each player throws three darts into the air to hit every number between 1 and 20.
. The first player to hit each number on the dartboard wins the game.
The World Darts Federation (WDF) has several guidelines and rules for players. In this article, I’ll be covering the basics of how to play around the world.
How to Play around the world darts
The game of darts is played by each player taking turns throwing three darts at a dartboard. You have to hit each number on the board in order, starting with 1 and moving towards 20.
If you miss a number, your turn ends and it’s the next player’s turn. The first player wins the game to reach 20 points. Also read What Is a Bogey Number in Darts?
Advanced Around the World Darts Rules
Advanced around-the-clock darts rules. It’s a simple game that you can play for yourself or as a training aid to help improve your accuracy across the board.
Here are some advanced rules you can add to this game to make it more of a practice game.
Handicapping games help you play better when you’re not at the same level as your training partner, friend, or group. If one player is significantly better than the other then you have no fun or benefit in playing.
I’m a big believer in giving the best player an advantage over the other. The best thing about darts is that everyone has the same opportunities and chances of winning no matter who they play.
There are several ways to do this; one player may start the game with a headstart, which means they’ll only be trying to win the game with smaller numbers instead of hitting all the large numbers. The better player might be placed with a handicap, which would limit how many numbers they can move around the board by only hitting doubles or triples.
The best player can get an extra throw if they hit 3 consecutive numbers in a single throw, therefore if they hit 1, 2, and 3 in their first throw they can go and get another throw.
If there are three players, you could play 2 vs 1 and the team of two will get twice as many darts each turn to even the odds. One player will then be able to get to throw.
To even out the odds, each player gets 3 darts before throwing, meaning the pair will have twice as many darts each turn.
These are just a few handicap possibilities from the top of my head and experience, you could also think about your own handicap rules to make games fairer and more competitive.
Doubles and Trebles
Doubles and Trebles. Having doubles and trebles active during the game is my favorite aspect of around-the-clock darts. It’s not just an easy way to practice and get better, but it goes from a fun game of throwing singles to an intentional practice game where you’ll work on improving your accuracy on the lower numbers.
With doubles and triples, it means that they count for the values of the doubles and triples and not just the value of the single numbers. If you double your first throw and then double again on your second throw then double 1 counts as two scores of 2. Therefore you will move to the number 3 immediately.
If you hit treble this value is 3, and therefore you will move on to the number 4 with your next dart. Doubles and trebles make games much more competitive and can help you increase your accuracy on these lower numbers that don’t get practiced very often.
Darts is a typical game around-the-clock. A good game for the more advanced players is to start with doubles and trebles active, with doubles and trebles your maximum score for one dart is 20.
An example shot for a professional darts player could be a treble 1 with the first dart, double 4 with the second dart, and double 9 with the third dart leaving them on 16.
It looks as though the top player can go around in just three darts.
Another example shot would be double 1 with the first dart, treble 3 with the second dart, and double 10 with the third dart. This will win the game for your opponent!
According to the Rule, if you hit 6 the next number is 19, so 6 is a value of 18 so 19 is the next number.
A treble 7 however, has a value of 21 which is not possible, and therefore this will only count as a single 7 and you will go on to 8.
Double 7s however would be a viable shot with a value of 14 putting you on 15 with your next dart.
When you reach the number 10, however, all doubles and trebles are higher than 20 and count only once for the single value. Due to this, if you hit double 11 or treble 11 you will still only move on to 12, so it’s important to use doubles and trebles early on.
These two changes will keep games much shorter than they are now and it’ll make things more interesting for anyone who plays the game competitively or even casually.
A player usually finishes in around-the-clock darts once they reach and hit the number 20, it’s a straight race, with a bullseye typically required after the number 20.
In a close game, the bullseye doesn’t matter as much who gets to the 20 first because the bullseye will then prove more difficult for both players.
This is the ideal strategy for an intermediate-level player who needs to finish a game.
It’s for the more advanced players who want to work on their skills and techniques by using different balls. In 30 seconds, you must score as many points as possible.
To do this, you will need to make a note of any double that has been hit up to and including the number 10, and in an even more advanced version, you will also need to include any trebles.
Therefore to use the example from earlier, a player hit double 1, treble 3, and double 10 in their first throw.
The odds of winning are so far stacked against us that it’s not even funny. All we have to do is hit double/treble and bullseye.
This can be determined by noting the first double and the first treble that was hit, in this case, double 1 and treble 3. If no doubles or trebles have been hit then you will use double 1 and treble 1 as the default.
I’ll now give an example game to show how a single player could go around the board with all of these rules and win (I’ll make them a good player so that the example is quick..)
Double 1, 3, double 4 – throw 1
Double 9, 19, 20 – throw 2
As no treble has been hit, the first double was double 1.
Double 1, treble 1, bullseye – throw 3
You can’t just play a game too quickly and expect to become a pro; that would be absurd. But it’s easy to see how you could work your way into an advanced practice game and become a good finisher.
If you want to start hitting the 20, double, and triple first, then work your way up from there.
Around the World Darts: How Many Players Can Play?
Darts players from around the world can play one game at the same time. It’s excellent practice for moving around the dartboard and you can play on your own or with others.
Why are Around the World Darts Good For Beginners?
New players will enjoy Around the World right away because it is designed to be easy to pick up and play right away. With no complicated math, darting is an easy game to get into.
Whether you’ve played darts before or you’re a beginner, you’ll love this game. You can count to 20 while playing it and you’ll learn where the numbers are on the dartboard as you’ll have to find them to hit them.
In Around the World Darts, what happens if I hit a double or triple?
Hitting double or triple counts as one hit and moves you on to the next number.
How to Win – Tips For Playing Around the World Darts
It’s all about consistency and flexibility of aim in this game. Each number target on the board will require a slightly different aim, which makes the player aware of how small changes to their throw can affect their final target.
These tips will help you play better in the different countries around the world. You must keep your stance constant. If you move and stand in a different position each time you throw, it’ll add more variables to your technique.
Hold your stance and don’t move for different sides of the board. You should aim for the upper single segment’s center. It’s almost at its widest point, but not too close to the top. If you aim too near the edge, you’ll miss entirely.
When the dart is released, your hand must follow the dart, and continue pointing towards the target number. Don’t be in a hurry. Relax. Don’t rush.
Imagine where your target is, and line up your line of sight. Visualize, and see it in your mind hitting the desired number. This may seem silly, but you’ll be amazed at how effective this can be.
Who Throws First?
Decide between yourselves or take a shot at the bullseye – the closest dart goes first. This is a fair way to decide as it’s skill-based.
Remember to decide if you want to play first to 20 wins or make sure each player has the same number of turns and first to 20 wins. This way of playing makes a draw possible but it does eliminate the advantage of a player going first.
How to Keep Score
This game is beautiful and easy to learn. It takes just a little bit of thought, but it doesn’t have to be remembered for the rest of your life. Above is a simple scoreboard to jog your memory.
Around the World Darts: Is it a good practice game?
Yes! It’s an excellent practice game because it helps you practice hitting all the different numbers on the board, and also helps you to learn your strengths and weaknesses with different numbers.
A good way to increase the difficulty level.
Final Thought
Round the World is an excellent game to play by yourself for practice or with a group of friends at a party. New players will find it easy to learn, versatile, and not intimidating. If you want to make the game harder for everyone, you can add handicaps for more experienced players.
This game has been played for a long time, but it’s always a blast to play. We recommend darts baseball or darts baseball for two players and darts baseball for three players.