There are a few reasons Why don’t dart players go for bullseye? First, hitting the bullseye can be a very difficult task, and someone who consistently hits it may become very good at the game.
Another reason why players don’t often attempt to throw for the bullseye is that the bullseye is smaller than a treble segment meaning it’s harder to hit and will score fewer points compared to a treble 20. These are not good combinations!
Why don’t dart players go for bullseye? Darts is a competitive sport that requires a high level of skill and accuracy. Some people have mastered darts and can place their shots accurately without much problem.
You need to understand the scoring system to get the most out of darts. You also need to know how to aim your dart. Here’s an explanation of why it’s not always the best place to aim your darts.
What Is the Bullseye In Darts
In Darts, you throw your darts and try to hit a circular area of the dartboard called the bullseye which is worth 50 points.
The bullseye can also be called the double bullseye or inner bullseye because it is technically classified as a double bullseye, meaning this is a number that allows you to check out to win a game of X01 darts.
With its bullseye design, the game is easy to play and even easier to win. It’s worth 25 points so it is easy to win.
Why Not Aim for Bullseye?
Some dart players may believe it’s pointless to aim at the bullseye when playing for maximum points. The other 4 targets wield more points than the bullseye.
In darts, the bullseye is worth 50 points whereas triple 20 is worth 60 points. All other combinations of scores are worth between 20 and 17 points. The only time a player in a 501 (or similar countdown match) would choose to target the bullseye is to check out as the bullseye is considered a double.
There are only two parts of the board. The bullseye is where you need to get 50 points for a win. It’s also the only part of the board where getting 50 points with a single dart is possible.
Why Don’t Dart Players Go For Bullseye?
You shouldn’t be aiming for the bullseye when throwing darts at a dartboard. It’s only the fifth-highest scoring segment on the board, so it doesn’t yield as many points when scoring.
There’s a certain unpredictability that comes with missing the bullseye that can impact a player’s rhythm and shot calculations. We’ll go over each of these points separately so you can understand them better.
Bullseye isn’t a high-scoring number
It’s not a high-scoring number. When playing 501 darts, a key factor in winning the match is maximizing your score on each throw. This is why most players throw for treble 20 to score 60 points with one dart.
The bullseye in comparison is worth 50 points when hit. Player A would hit the numbers with the same frequency and player B would hit the numbers with the same frequency if all factors were equal and player A threw for treble 20 and player B threw for the bullseye. With every dart thrown, player A gains 10 points.
If you’re having trouble deciding how to throw a dart then you might consider using a computer. With a program that can calculate the number of points you can get from 3 darts in a row it’s possible to calculate the number of possible points you could score on every throw.
The bullseye is the fifth-highest scoring number after
Treble 20 – 60 points.
Treble 19 – 57 points.
Treble 18 – 54 points.
Treble 17 – 51 points.
Bullseye – 50 points.
This means that if you want to maximize your scoring potential, there are four better options on the board and this is one of the primary reasons why treble 19 provides a better cover shot when the Treble 20 segment is blocked. It maximizes your chance of scoring more points.
The more points a player can score per throw, the better chance they have of winning a game.
Bullseyes don’t allow consistent scoring
The Bullseye does allow consistent scoring. Even if you miss on a throw, you’ll still score if you land closer to the bullseye. The closer you land, the more points you’ll score.
This is not uncommon for professional players, as they are expected to hit a treble every 20 times they shoot. The average for a 3-dart average is 100, and this means they hit a treble 20 times out of 3, or with 1 in 3 darts (this average is also lowered if the shooter finishes with an open).
The odds of the dart hitting the treble are quite low, so it’s reasonable to assume that if you’re trying to improve your scoring, your average will continue to decrease as your scores decrease.
Most people will usually end up missing one of the 20 numbers at least once each shot. That means that for most people, it will be easier to keep track of their remaining points than for some players.
If you miss with at least 2 of your 3 darts, one might hit the outer bull and score 25 points but another is likely to land on any segment. That’s because a missed bullseye is located in the center of the board with all segments surrounding it.
You might be lucky enough to hit a single 20 and miss the dart. That’s okay, it happens, but it’s more likely that you’re going to miss the dart altogether.
Bullseyes are smaller than trebles
It’s much easier to miss a target that is smaller than the bullseye 20, which means players rarely throw for the bullseye.
The dimensions of the bullseye and treble are as follows:
Inner Bull – 1/2″ diameter.
Treble Segment – 1/4″
Wide — 6-11/16″ radius.
When converted into a target area they measure the following: Inner Bull – 2.20 square inches Treble Segment – 0.40 square inches
You’re much less likely to get it right the first time and, statistically, you’re going to miss the bullseye more times than you’ll get a triple.
Are Treble 20s Better Than Bullseyes
Treble 20 is a better game than a bullseye. There are several reasons why the treble 20 is better than a bullseye. One reason a treble 20 is better than a bullseye is that it is more detailed (60 points for a treble 20 compared to 50 points for a bullseye), and has a larger surface area making it statistically easier to hit. It also provides more consistent scoring because of a predictable point total if you miss the treble 20.
With all these factors combined, it makes more sense for a player to throw for a double 20 and it’s therefore arguably better than a bullseye. A double 20 provides more points than a bullseye, and as it’s a larger segment, you’re more likely to hit it!
Why Do Soft Tip Players Go for Bull?
Why do soft-tip players prefer to go for a bull? The main reason soft tip players want to go for bull is that bull is a larger target area than a triple 20. Along with this bull and outside bull are both counted as 50 points.
Of course, the treble twenty will get you 60 points but the target is smaller.
Why Do Steel Tip Darts Players Go for Triple 19?
If you’re an aspiring darts player, you’ll want to learn all about triple 19s. Often you’ll notice that players will go for triple 19 instead of 20 and this is because they have lost the line of sight to the triple 20 and their previous dart obscured the target.
What are 3 Bullseyes in Darts Called?
In darts what is 3 Bullseye in Darts called? A hat trick in darts is a “Three bullseye” equalling 150 points.
To hit three bullseyes in a row is exceptionally hard and extremely rare, so it is also called a ‘hat trick’. Some very good players have only hit one or two hat tricks in their career.
Final Thoughts
My final thoughts are that I think the bullseye is a very boring segment on a dartboard, and unless you are on checkout of 50 it makes much more sense to aim for the more exciting and higher scoring targets.
In this case, the bullseye would be a better option. It’s not an overhyped number. It gives you more points, and so it’s the better choice because it gives you a higher chance of winning a game, and if that’s your goal, then that’s what you should choose.